Research on perceptions between people in countries of Africa and the United Kingdom shows that people of the UK generally have outdated views of Africa. These perceptions centre mainly on war, famine, poverty and corruption. While these issues are still there, today. Africa is about so much more – vibrancy, development, innovation and resilience.
Insight also shows that young Africans have a legacy view of Africa, often based on the perceptions of an older generation. While these are not wholly negative, there is a need to invest in moving these perceptions to one of partnership and friendship. These dated perceptions stand in the way of development of trade and other relationships and limit the Africa / UK relationship.
We are looking for a Research Company based in any of the countries in Africa or the United Kingdom, to develop some insight for use in establishing the Theoretical Framework of a planned programme to support more diverse, alternative narratives between young people in countries of Africa and the UK.
The research will:
- Reflect on the key narratives between Africa and the UK
a. What is the Narrative – what are the prevailing messaging and themes across both places?
b. How are these narratives distributed and consumed (by young people in both locations)?
c. To what extent do these narratives contribute to shaping perceptions of young people (aged 18 – 35) across both locations?
- In what ways do young people (aged 18-35) feel that these narratives affect their willingness to network across both locations?
- What kinds of narratives, currently not widely known do young people across both locations want the other location to have access to e.g. what would young African want the UK to know about Africa?
Further details can be found in the Request for Proposals document which can be downloaded below.
The research design is expected to include:
1. Desk research: A comprehensive review of published research on the prevalent narratives between Africa and the UK in (digital) media and other offline channels.
2. Survey: An opinion survey that can be implemented across countries in Africa and the UK by telephone, face-to-face, or online. This will capture key data points on young peoples’ consumption patterns of narratives across both places, desirable narratives and other points as outlined in section 2.
3. In-depth discussions: Qualitative research with young people and other stakeholders to explore in-depth themes emerging from the survey data.
4. Analysis of data, conclusions and recommendations
5. The consultants will be expected to lead the assignment, but also to work alongside British Council staff in the UK and across Africa to develop the methodology required as the research develops.