About the Project
SIDP creates opportunities for digitally excluded individuals to develop the skills they need to participate fully in the digital economy and in wider society.
Digital technology has an ever-increasing role in all our lives. Not having the skills or facilities to access online information safely causes real hardship, especially for people who may already be at risk of being excluded, such as people with disabilities, women and young people.
Skills for Inclusive Digital Participation works with people who are missing out on the opportunities to access jobs and services that digital brings. It enables them to take part in digital activities safely, access new resources and improve their livelihoods.
SIDP is part of the Digital Access Programme, which is led by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on behalf of the UK Government.
Skills for Inclusive Digital Participation is currently running in Indonesia, Kenya and Nigeria.
The project provides skills training and information on relevant opportunities.
Main activities include:
- The development of new training manuals: train-the-trainer guide, basic digital skills, intermediate digital skills, and e-commerce skills.
- 100 community-level trainers recruited for local training delivery, supported by an online community of practice.
- 4,000 participants in digital literacy skills training.
- 10,000 people accessing online information on opportunities for learning and work.
- 30 education institutions and civil society bodies receiving copies of manuals for further training in their communities.
A later stage of the project will bring together policymakers and researchers to consider the findings from training delivery and identify what works in inclusive digital literacy.
Local implementing partners in Nigeria are
More information about how the project is working locally in the other countries covered is available on our Global website.