Project Description

Remix is a music project which will support creative and collaborative exchange between UK & Nigerian music producers & artists through the remix of music content. The result will be around 8 – 10 new collaborative music tracks. 

This project is designed to explore and encourage artistic & creative collaboration; build and expand producing skills; and strengthen and explore artistic identity. We aim to foster a dialogue around artistic identity, taste and production style.

We would ideally like to work with UK labels offering an opportunity for artists / producers on their roster to visit Nigeria, to explore the Nigerian music scene, work and collaborate with local artists, as well as providing production masterclasses. Where possible, we will encourage artists to engage in live performance and collaboration through hosts. We would like work with independent record labels to identify artists and producers who will be invited to work with counterparts and remix tracks for either licensing or releasing, either through an individual label, or an equivalent through music media outlets online.

It’s vital that this project has the buy in and is rooted in the respective music sectors and industry to maintain quality and reflect artistic currency within the music industry.