The Premier Skills project came to an end in July 2023 after 13 years of delivery in Nigeria.  For more information on the Premier Skills project, visit

Premier Skills is an international partnership between the British Council and the Premier League. 

The programme uses football to develop a brighter future for young people around the world.

Premier Skills provides opportunities for coaches, referees and players to become better integrated into their local communities, to develop their skills for employability and raise their self-esteem. 

Premier Skills has been delivered in 29 countries around the world, engaged over 39,000 coaches, referees and teachers and reached at least 1.7 million young people. 

Premier Skills in Nigeria

Through Premier Skills, I have been able to reach out the people in my community using football as a tool to address environmental issues. The exercise has really touched the life of people in my community and it has transformed them from being disorderly to being clean and tidy. Now they know the importance of health environment. Ruth Okafor, Coach Educator

Premier Skills is indeed a unique training opportunity which has helped me improve my coaching skills and my community. My project uses football and Art & Craft to train, equip and build the students confidence in taking up responsibilities at local authority pry school at Orile Iganmu Lagos Nigeria. Emmanuel Okere, Project manager, Premier Skills Swansea

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