How to assess the results of a project: implement a monitoring and evaluation system

Projects often have highly committed individuals all of whom are seeking to improve the delivery of justice. Identifying issues to be addressed is often fairly straightforward and after research and consultation has been carried out suitable solutions are often proposed. However, this is only the first step. The most difficult parts of the process are ensuring that the necessary actions are taken to enable the reforms; illustrating what has been achieved as a result (the objectives) and demonstrating that achieving those objectives has made the desired difference to justice delivery (the outcomes). It is also important to assess the likely sustainability of the initiative and consider whether any changes it brings about will be continued and embedded in the justice sector and have a longer term impact.

You can introduce monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that progress is monitored during implementation and the overall project approach and end results are evaluated to assess how successful it was.Information and evidence gathered through monitoring and evaluation can then be used to identify lessons that can help improve future reform efforts. You will also have concrete evidence of achievements that can be used to publicise the project.

Please download our how to guide and tools on how to implement a monitoring and evaluation system, we hope you find them extremely useful.

Good luck in implementing this worthwhile Initiative. If you have any queries please contact us.