Monday 17 November 2014

The J4A programme supported the establishment of a Witness Support Unit (WSU) at the premises of the Enugu State judiciary, which was commissioned by the Attorney General of the state in June 2014.

The WSU was established to provide a focal point and advisory services for witnesses who have been invited or sum-moned to testify in courts cases.

J4A renovated and furnished the WSU facility and also provided technical support to enhance the capacity of staff members of the WSU in order to improve service delivery. For instance, WSU staff now provide information on the location of specific courts, court procedures and the role of witnesses.

This initiative is facilitating the provision of care and direct sup-port services to vulnerable witnesses in Enugu State. This means that witnesses now have a safe waiting place prior to the hearing of the cases. It is expected that this will lead to an increase in the number of witnesses who are willing to testify in courts. This will reduce the length of time awaiting trial persons spend in custody.