Saturday 16 May 2015

The Minna MPS has been operational since October 2013.  The site was subjected to substantial refurbishment to buildings within the complex, ranging from the cosmetic to the creation of new office space and the replacement of the roof on the main building, which houses the public reception area and cellular accommodation.

J4A interventions and products were introduced over a period of time from October 2013.  The interventions and products were complemented with appropriate training for personnel, depending upon their role and responsibility.  General training concluded in late 2014 when the Basic Police Skills Course was delivered to uniform beat and patrol officers and specialist training concluded in March 2015, when JWC staff received training.

Once all training concluded, attention turned to how the public could be educated about the changes brought about within the MPS?  In common with many police stations the public who attend fall into the category of victim, witness or suspect.  The majority of the population pass by a police station with little knowledge of what goes on inside, until they become a member of one of the three categories mentioned.  

The idea of an ‘Open Day’ was discussed, initially with ASP Bala Elkana, OIC Community Policing, Minna. Further discussions with the DPO resulted in a revised plan being endorsed. Through discussions the ‘Open Day’ developed into an event to which specific opinion formers within the community, such as office holders in the PCRC, CSP, or CAF, business leaders, community or tribal leaders, would be invited to the MPS site.  The invited guests would be introduced to the changes and developments within the practice of the NPF within the MPS.  A total of 84 persons were identified as meriting invitation and planning for the day developed.  The invited guests attended the MPS on 16th May 2015 and were welcomed by the DPO, CSP and J4A representatives.  The guests were shown around the sit and were spoken to by representatives from the station who briefed them on, training and changes that had been made to NPF, including,

  • Practice in the receipt, custody and welfare of prisoners, 
  • Vulnerable victims of sexual abuse and gender based violence, neighbourhood policing, 
  • VPS initiatives and 
  • The investigation of complaints against police.