Friday 10 July 2015

Jigawa State MPS Intervention Disseminates Training to JSLRC

As part of the interventions to establish Model Police Stations in Jigawa State the J4A programme is ensuring the dissemination of training modules across the entire criminal justice system in the state. 

In order to achieve this aim members of the Jigawa State Justice Sector Law Reform Commission (JSLRC) were invited to attend the NPF training on Child Protection (CP), Sexual and Gender Based Violence (S/GBV) training, which was organised for the NPF Juvenile Welfare Centre staff. In attendance was Barrister Aisha Jahun, the Director of Law Reform for the JSLRC in Jigawa State, which is one of the key partners working in the area of CP and S/GBV. 

In an interview with the Director, Aisha said, “Attending the training had tremendous benefits particularly in coordinating the rape intervention in Jigawa state, which was organised by the JSLRC. After the meeting, we adopted the methodology of the training by adapting the practical approach of the course for our prosecutors’ training”.

She further added, “We have also ensured that the training material focuses on the practical aspects of prosecution by adopting the very practical agenda of the training. In doing this we adopted role-plays in all the modules to test learning. We also incorporated the section on conducting interviews with child victims. Feedback sheets reveals that over 90% of the participants appreciated this new training”.